
為D-Link內建SharePort機制,您可以將印表機、掃描器、外接式硬碟連接於路由器的USB介面,輕鬆透過網路分享多媒體生活應用。SharePortPlusUtility.為D-Link ...,SharePortPlusiseasytoconfigureandgrantsyoufastaccesstoanyUSBdeviceinyournetwork,withjustafewclicks.Itcanhelpyoumanuallysearchfor ...,AppthatallowsyoutotransferfilesbetweenPhone&PC.SharePortUtility.Free.rating.Connectyour ...,Software.SharePor...


為D-Link內建Share Port 機制,您可以將印表機、掃描器、外接式硬碟連接於路由器的USB介面,輕鬆透過網路分享多媒體生活應用。 SharePort Plus Utility. 為D-Link ...

Download SharePort Plus

SharePort Plus is easy to configure and grants you fast access to any USB device in your network, with just a few clicks. It can help you manually search for ...

Download SharePort Plus by D

App that allows you to transfer files between Phone & PC. SharePort Utility. Free. rating. Connect your ...


Software. SharePort Plus v4.20R1 (25.42 MB), Download. SharePort Plus v4.11 (26.49 MB), Download. SharePort Plus Manual v4.0.pdf (2.14 MB) ...

SharePort Plus

2018年8月16日 — USB virtualization software compatible with D-Link routers. Easily connect connections between a PC laptop or desktop and a USB device on a ...

SharePort Utility 3.1 Download (Free)

2023年12月16日 — Allows you to work with any serial devices connected to remote computers.

SharePort Utility Download

2023年12月16日 — SharePort Utility 4.0 ... SharePort Utility allows you to connect your PC to a USB device that is connected to a device server. Use SharePort ...

如何在Windows XP使用USB SharePort Plus Utility 列印 ...

注 意: 請將Windows內建防火牆關閉及電腦本身防毒軟體中的防火牆設定做調整,否則可能造成SharePortUtility 軟體無法偵測連接在USB 埠的所有裝置。


2009年5月13日 — 前幾天買了一台D-LINK DIR-635 基本上路由器和無線基地台的運作還好 因為有提供一個USB PORT說是能接USB印表機之類提供無線連接但要安裝 SharePort ...